Academic Proofreading

If you are a student, professor, or other academic professional, and are writing for work or school, academic proofreading is for you.

This service is for abstracts, applications, cover letters, dissertations, essays, and letters of recommendation. We make sure that your work is clear, natural, and free of mistakes. Proofreading is for documents that have already been edited, and only need a final check to make sure that there are no small mistakes. It polishes a document that is already in good shape, making sure that everything is perfect.

Do you want your text to be in American, British, Canadian, or Australian English? Just tell us and we will make sure that everything is correct.

Find out about our prices by getting a quick quote or try our 200-word free edit.

Start your edit by filling in the form below:

Please tell us about your order and what you need.

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